Oct 26, 2016 | Promotions
We are now featuring these great deals. Hunt no further, the values are here!!!
Seasonal offers on Sibenzyme PCR products, Epicentre MMLV RT kits, Quick extract kits & Rockland antibodies.
PCR Hamper from Sibenzyme
At a unbelievable bundle pack at only Rs. 3000/- |
Trial size Antibodies from Rockland!!!Small trial pack of 25 µl antibodies available from Rockland Inc., USA For the complete list of antibodies, click here |
RT-PCR kit from Epicentre, USA10,000 U of MMLV High Performance RT-PCR enzyme At a never-before price of only Rs. 5000/- (~60% off) |
Quick extract solutionsQuick extract solutions for extracting PCR-ready genomic DNA from FFPE tissues, seeds and other samples: Most samples can be processed with only two short heating steps (65 degrees C and 98 degrees C) without the needs for centrifugation, spin columns or toxic reagents:
At only Rs. 3000/- for 5 ml which suffices for 50 extractions |
Epicentre enzymes and kits-available at more than 50% discount.
Offer valid till stocks last. |