Home / What's New / Get the Best of Both NGS Worlds: “PACBIO Read Length” and “ILLUMINA Read Depth”

Get the Best of Both NGS Worlds: “PACBIO Read Length” and “ILLUMINA Read Depth”

You do not need to sequence the entire genome in detail when you want to look at a snapshot to decipher information. You can utilise the strength of both PacBio and Illumina sequencing for individual BAC clones. The data yield is typically between 50X and 150X coverage for each BAC clone comprised of both PacBio 20Kb library reads and MiSeq 500 to 700bp Paired-End reads. This is highly economical as a single PacBio Library is made by combining 12 BAC clones, sequencing the library on a PacBio machine, and then assembling the data.

In order to identify individual clones,12 individually tagged Illumina libraries are also prepared, which are sequenced on a MiSeq instrument. The llumina data is then assembled and mapped with the PacBio data connecting the BAC clone name to each contig, scaffold or assembly.


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